A European wonders...

Why is wine expensive in New York?


Published July 20, 2018

A fast answer could be because New York is not California as the Bear Flag State produces an average of 85 percent of total U.S. wine production. For someone coming from Europe, 10$, 14$ (and going up) for not even a standard glass of cheap “house” wine, is almost the double price of a standard glass of wine in most European countries.
We known prices are determined by supply and demand so it makes sense to examine the financial data of the American wine market.
For this research, I built a dataset which combines data from different sources but mainly from the wineinstitute.org.
The charts I use are simple bar charts because I believe they are more easy to grasp for the audience and pass the message directly.


Let’s see some of them: As mentioned above, California produces the vast majority of the total American wine production:

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image description SOURCE OF DATA: wineinstitute.org

Is a glass of wine cheaper in California?
We need to figure this out … but further research shows that for 2017, US is at the top of the list of wine importing countries.
US global purchase of imported wine for 2017 totaled at 6.2 billions.

Imports & Exports

image description SOURCE: worldstopexports.com

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So, maybe wine is expensive in New York or in any other US state and maybe Americans like wine and they import it, they just do not produce enough of it!

image description SOURCE: worldstopexports.com

Map of countries from which US imports wine

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